Automating k8s cluster security with kyverno polices for governance and compliance
In a microservices architecture, teams work within dedicated namespaces to ensure service isolation. The DevOps engineer is responsible for creating CI/CD pipelines to deploy these services into the Kubernetes cluster. While the deployment and development of microservices are managed by the teams, the DevOps engineer also oversees cluster management and administrative tasks, including scaling, governance, compliance, high availability, security, cost optimization, day-to-day operations, and observability.
In k8s, we have an admission controller which implement governance and security.
Problem: writing admission controllers need expertise in GO and also if organization compliance rules keeps growing or modifying with time, its hard for managing and creation of admission controllers and Day to Day operations.
The Solution: Kyverno - A Dynamic Admission Controller
Kyverno provides a solution as a dynamic admission controller that simplifies the enforcement of governance and security policies without the need for custom Go code. It allows organizations to define policies in YAML files and automatically apply them within the Kubernetes cluster.
How Kyverno Works
Once deployed in the Kubernetes cluster, Kyverno functions as a dynamic admission controller. It reads the policy rules defined in the YAML files and validates whether the incoming resource creation or modification complies with these rules. The policies are flexible, making it easy to define and enforce governance and compliance requirements across the cluster.
Pod Resource Requests and Limits: Every pod created must have resource requests and limits set.
Namespace Resource Quotas and Limit Ranges: Each namespace must have Resource Quotas and Limit Ranges defined.
Deny All Traffic by Default: When a new namespace is created, it will automatically have all traffic denied by default.
Eviction Policy for Host Path and EmptyDir Volumes: Ensure that no pod uses HostPath or EmptyDir volumes unless specified.
Mandatory Pod Labels: Every pod must include specific labels for tracking and organization.
Health Probes: Ensure that every pod includes Liveness (LP), Readiness (RP), and Startup Probes (SP) to manage lifecycle and availability.
Steps for Implementing Kyverno
Ensure the cluster is set up (Kind for local development). Then, deploy Kyverno to the cluster using a manifest or Helm chart
kubectl create -f
All resources have been deployed in the
Namespace.Create a policy YAML to enforce resource requests and limits (RR/RL) on pods
apiVersion: kind: ClusterPolicy metadata: name: require-requests-limits annotations: Require Limits and Requests Best Practices, EKS Best Practices medium Pod 1.6.0 >- As application workloads share cluster resources, it is important to limit resources requested and consumed by each Pod. It is recommended to require resource requests and limits per Pod, especially for memory and CPU. If a Namespace level request or limit is specified, defaults will automatically be applied to each Pod based on the LimitRange configuration. This policy validates that all containers have something specified for memory and CPU requests and memory limits. spec: validationFailureAction: audit background: true rules: - name: validate-resources match: any: - resources: kinds: - Pod validate: message: "CPU and memory resource requests and memory limits are required for containers." pattern: spec: containers: - resources: requests: memory: "?*" cpu: "?*" limits: memory: "?*" =(initContainers): - resources: requests: memory: "?*" cpu: "?*" limits: memory: "?*" =(ephemeralContainers): - resources: requests: memory: "?*" cpu: "?*" limits: memory: "?*"
Apply the clusterpolicy and verify the status
Verify the logs of the kyverno pods to identify that kyverno pod recognizes the cluster policy deployed
Now, Try creating a Nginx pod and identify the events
Although we created a ClusterPolicy, If the policy is set to Audit, non-compliant pods will still be created, but violations will be logged:
Kubernetes Events (resource-level logs)
Policy Reports (compliance overview)
If the policy is set to Enforce, and try creating a new pod and observe the request will be blocked, and a message will indicate why the pod creation was denied.
Now, try deleting the policy and deploy redis again, now it will be deployed as no policy to enforce
Use the generate action to implement namespace creation with predefined Resource Quotas and Limit Ranges
apiVersion: kind: ClusterPolicy metadata: name: add-ns-quota annotations: Add Quota Multi-Tenancy, EKS Best Practices ResourceQuota, LimitRange 1.6.0 >- To better control the number of resources that can be created in a given Namespace and provide default resource consumption limits for Pods, ResourceQuota and LimitRange resources are recommended. This policy will generate ResourceQuota and LimitRange resources when a new Namespace is created. spec: rules: - name: generate-resourcequota match: any: - resources: kinds: - Namespace generate: apiVersion: v1 kind: ResourceQuota name: default-resourcequota synchronize: true namespace: "{{}}" data: spec: hard: requests.cpu: '4' requests.memory: '16Gi' limits.cpu: '4' limits.memory: '16Gi' - name: generate-limitrange match: any: - resources: kinds: - Namespace generate: apiVersion: v1 kind: LimitRange name: default-limitrange synchronize: true namespace: "{{}}" data: spec: limits: - default: cpu: 500m memory: 1Gi defaultRequest: cpu: 200m memory: 256Mi type: Container
ResourceQuota(RQ) defines the total resources (CPU, memory, storage, etc.) allocated to a namespace as a whole.
LimitRanges(LR)specifies default resource requests and limits for individual containers running within the namespace.
This above picture also shows that when a namespace is created, the policy will automatically enforce default Resource Quotas and Limit Ranges.